Every industry sector, division, market or business area is a world of its own. Common to almost all of them is the use of geoinformation. Many fields of application use geodata in the form of digital cartographic information as a knowledge base. Examples include aerial and satellite imagery, maps of land use/land cover or environmental inventories.
Within many fields of application, the benefits of using geoinformation and GeoIT are obvious. What is grown where? Where is the best navigation route? Where can we find resources? Less apparent is the potential of GeoIT as location intelligence within IT-based business and administration processes. The spatial data form a valuable parameter and help to enable new conclusions to be drawn from an existing knowledge base.
As geoinformation experts, we are prepared to help you with your field of application, be it knowledge enhancement or the expansion of your IT processes.
Take inspiration from the variety of application domains of GeoIT and geoinformation and contact us!